Vortragsankündigung: KIT Climate Lecture

Dr. Peter Fritz, Vice President Research and Innovation
Professor Johannes Orphal, Scientific Spokesman, KIT Climate and Environment Center
KIT Climate Lecture:
Past climates trapped in the ice
Water isotopes : atmospheric modeling and applications to polar ice core studies
Professor Jean Jouzel, Research Director, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), France
The presentation will first address theoretical aspects related to the physics and
the modeling of water isotopes in the atmosphere. Then a few examples shall
illustrate the climatic information that can be extracted from these isotopes
measured along deep ice cores drilled in Greenland and Antarctica. Recent
advances are based on progress in methodologies thanks to technologies which
have revolutionized this field of research, i.e. better measurement techniques of
the 17O/18O ratio, as well as enhanced technologies for simulation and analysis.
This allows to extend the climatic information over 8 glacial-interglacial cycles in
Antarctica and back to the Last Interglacial in Greenland.
Jean Jouzel is Research Director at the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies
Commission (CEA). His main scientific involvement has been with the use of water
stable isotopes (deuterium and oxygen 18) for reconstructing past climate changes
from ice cores at various timescales, and with associated atmospheric modelling.
He has participated in major international ice core projects in Antarctica and
Greenland. Currently, he is Vice-Chair of the IPCC Working Group I.
Die "KIT Climate Lecture" wird vom KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt organisiert.