Vortrag: KIT Environment Lecture

Am 15.05.2012 um 18:00 Uhr findet im Gartensaal des Karlsruher Schlosses eine "KIT Environment Lecture" statt, veranstaltet vom KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt. Vortragende wird Prof. Susan Stipp von der Universität Kopenhagen sein.
Prof. Susan Stipp


Welcoming speech
Dr. Peter Fritz, KIT Vice President Research and Innovation
Professor Thomas Neumann, KIT Climate and Environment Center


KIT Environment Lecture
Cleaner water, less CO2 and putting out the garbage
Professor Susan Stipp, University of Copenhagen


The industrial age and the electronic age have increased society’s standard of living but they have also increased our rate of converting resources to waste. However, technology has also given us instruments that allow us to see at the nanometer scale. Now we can watch as molecules react, offering enormous potential for gaining insight into how nature works. Hopefully, new understanding of nature’s secrets, about how fluids interact with natural materials, will help us avoid future damage to the environment and let us repair carelessness of the past.

Professor Susan Stipp
Professor Susan Stipp leads the NanoGeoScience Group, an international group of more than 50 interdisciplinary researchers, at the Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen. She is Fellow of the Geochemical Society and External Board Member of BP plc, as well as past Principal Editor of Elements and Founding and Principal Editor of the completely new Geochemical Perspectives.

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